1901 S Broadway, Denver, CO 80210
Open 10AM-6PM Every Day!
Limited consignment until Monday 1/20 please call for details

Consign With Us

We sell quality reused outdoor gear and apparel with the best consignment rates in town.

Tuesday – Sunday from 10am – 6pm.



Second Wind Sports is a traditional consignment shop where sellers receive check payment or in-store credit once their item sells. We pride ourselves on having the best consignment rates in town. Sellers receive 70% of the sale price for items over $100 and 65% for items under $100.

Secondwind is a traditional consignment shop where sellers receive check payment or in-store credit once their item sells. We pride ourselves on having the best consignment rates in town. Sellers receive 70% of the sale price for items over $100 and 65% for items under $100.
Secondwind is a traditional consignment shop where sellers receive check payment or in-store credit once their item sells. We pride ourselves on having the best consignment rates in town. Sellers receive 70% of the sale price for items over $100 and 65% for items under $100.

Our goal is to make consigning effortless. We are looking for quality gear and apparel (as well as new custom made products) for all seasons, ages, and outdoor activities.

Bring your clean, gently used items into our shop. We’ll get you set up with a consignment account (ID required), let you know what items we’ll take to consign, and work to get you out the door within a matter of minutes. There is a one-time $5 processing fee to set up an account, which is automatically deducted from your initial sale.

Gear with blemishes is of course OK to consign as long as it’s clean and fully functional, and you let us know any issues upfront so we can set the price accordingly. Please wash or gently clean items before bringing in to consign. This helps us out significantly as well as helps increase the sale price of your item.

Some items we don’t take may be donated to our favorite local initiatives through our shop, donated to the free bin at our shop, or of course taken back home with you. If you need help bringing in any larger or bulk items just let us know and we’ll discuss pick up options. You can always email or text us photos of any larger items before bringing in and we’ll let you know if it’s something we can accept.

As a local consignment shop, our focus is on being a community resource that makes it simpler, safer, and more convenient for you to sell your outdoor gear and apparel through us vs. an online marketplace, or better yet, discarding perfectly good reusable gear into the landfill.

We are locally owned by Denverites who want to help keep good gear going strong, while improving access to the outdoors and the recreational activities the West has to offer.

If you can use it – or wear it – for biking, boating, skating, backpacking, running, hiking, skiing, climbing, glamping, at the park, in the gym, for fishing, for travel, van life, around a campfire, etc. – and it’s in good shape – then we’ll likely consign it. You can check us out on Instagram to get a feel for what we sell.

We are looking for high quality outdoor gear and functional, athletic, and casual wear that’s clean and in good working order. You can bring in a single puffy jacket, your old favorite pair of jeans, or a box load of bike or camping gear, etc.

We’ll go through it and accept everything we think is marketable. Our focus is on quality outdoor brands (like Patagonia, Marmot, Black Diamond , etc.) as well as lesser known local or independent manufacturers making quality gear.

Our pricing system is both art and science. We work to determine a market rate for each item based on age and condition, as well as seasonal demand and original retail cost. Our goal is to set price points so items bring you a fair return, yet move relatively quickly. We of course want our consignors to get as much as possible for their gear, but we also need it to sell and give good value to buyers.

If you have a dollar amount in mind that you’d like to get for your item let us know at the time of drop off and we’ll discuss.

Typically, however, consignors trust us to know or research the value of inventory and set the pricing when entering it into the system.

Sellers can call, or swing by the shop anytime during business hours to see what items have sold and how much money you have on your account.

Sellers can request payment and checks will be printed every Friday morning. Sellers can come pick the check up in person or request to have the checks mailed to them.

Alternatively, you can leave the balance on your account and use as in-store credit the next time you are in the shop. That balance never expires and is transferable to anyone you authorize on your account for in-store use. ID required to use store credit or pick up a check.


For all in-store purchases, Second Wind Sports has an All Sales Are Final policy since condition is either noted on the tag and / or reflected in the price and consignors are paid out after their item sells.

If an item is found to be defective, the buyer should notify us promptly and bring it back in and we’ll gladly work to resolve the issue.

When accepting consignment items we go through a fairly thorough inspection process and make note of any imperfections, which influences price.

We have seven parking spots off Jewel Street! And plenty of street parking nearby.

Each tag includes a brief description of the item, including color, brand, and the date the item was registered into our system and put out on the sales floor. Items that have been on the floor for over 60 days are eligible for a 10% discount.

Sellers are free to pick up their items anytime after 30 days (if it has not sold) if you would like to get it back or wait until a later date to consign it. Items that have not been picked up or sold for one year or more are to be property of Second Wind Sports. Second Wind does not automatically take over the products immediately after the one year mark. Most likely the products will stay on the floor at the same price point and consignment rate. Second most likely, the items over a year may be marked down. We need these policies in order to manage inventory To save space, some seasonal items such as larger boating or ski equipment may be put into storage until the time of year that those items are in higher demand. You can always call or come in and ask about your items!